An Introduction to Immortalist Morality
compatible with immortalist morality. At a 1999 conference
on life extension, Rabbi Neil Gillman had this to say:
There is nothing redemptive about death. Death is
incoherent. Death is absurd.
The rabbi was asked if Jewish tradition would endorse pro-
longing human life for twenty years. Yes, answered the rabbi.
Forty years? Yes. One hundred years? Yes. He regarded
the indefinite prolongation of life as a moral good. [7]
What would motivate very long-lived people to continue
to strive to create new things and explore new realms? The
basic moral premise we have been talking about: the desire to
see life survive. This is an ongoing process: it is a journey not
a destination. If immortality was something that we reached
at some point, then it could no longer serve as the founda-
tion of ethics. But no matter how far advanced our science
and technology becomes, it is unlikely that the continuation
of our own life can ever be guaranteed. It may be theoreti-
cally possible to live forever, but this would likely involve the
continual solving of new problems and overcoming of new
challenges. We could think of guaranteed infinite life span
as a sort of mathematical limit, which we can get closer and
closer to, but never quite reach. Each new scientific advance
would lower the risk of dying, but the quest for immortality
would continue forever.
Would not people who adopted an immortalist morality
become very risk adverse? The answer is no, because people
have to take some risks in order to continue to survive. There
is no paradox between aiming to live a long time and taking
some risks in the short-term. Short-term risks have to be taken